Family & Friends and others who find & take the time to read this writing. This is about my greatest “Passion;” READING. I’m sharing its “IMPORTANCE” from the FIRST PERSON POINT OF VIEW as it relates to my perspective; giving you Readers an opinion.
The Title of this Post is inspired by some Special Words from our late & Great Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a legal, cultural and feminist icon, who died September 18, 2020, at the age of 87. In my Opinion, she is a Prominent White Woman who spent the Lion’s Share of her eighty-seven (87) years, living in Our Nation, fighting for the equal “RIGHTS FOR ‘WOMEN.” Her words, ”fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you,” which aptly fits my lifetime struggle for Civil Rights here in United States of America.
Since Tenth Grade in School, I have been a “FAIR – MINDED CRITICAL THINKER” (Clear & Sensible) and I feel that expressing this “Post” in this first-person voice will lend credibility and immediacy to this writing: “I know this to be true, because I actually see and do these things.” I’m in Hope that you Readers will associate your mental picture of yourselves and form a collective representation of your assets to relive this experience through a primary source, safe in the knowledge that I do know what this is all about.
To begin, careful consideration is placed on “Old School Culture” of being HUMBLE. All of the “I Statements” are put in context of “Communicating” to you all the factors in TRUTH AND EASE OF CONFLICTS. The statement of Fact is my subjective viewpoint and not to alienate people because of Differences of experiences. My Realization that all of this information is “Second Hand Sources” points out; reading and writing about the History is an area of knowledge that studies the recorded past. Second-hand stories, information, or opinions are those that I learn about from other people rather than directly or from my own experience – concedes that second-hand accounts can lead to rumor and counter-rumor.
Being that my Parents fixated on “EDUCATION BEING THE KEY TO SUCCEED IN LIFE,” whereas, Encyclopedias, daily newspapers, and assorted illustrated children & Educational Books dominated our Household for as long as memory serves. My love for Reading Books came at a very early Pre-school age. Without any reading instructions I discovered an intense fascination with letters and numbers which created a “thirst” for new information which led to reading books from cover-to-cover multiple times. My developmental process up to and all through Grade School, the Britannica Junior Encyclopedia became my exploratory medium for all sources of this new information and was the “Springboard” to my “Immense Curiosity For Reading.” Reading is a constructive process: Both the text and its meaning are constructed by the reader. That means that at any point in time there are two or more texts during reading: the published text and the reader’s text. The writer constructs a text in transaction with one in the writer’s mind. This led to my desire to “Validate” my thoughts and behaviors for appropriate vocal and appearance contents. My biological, psychological and emotional development of solid literacy skills, all the way through adolescence was considered a Birthright. My knowledge across all curriculum became a “Drive” for the need to always do better. This incredible “Self-Improvement Effort” always challenges me to do the Best that I can. I’m of the belief that the of “Arrogance” of anyone who is an expert at something to think that they don’t need to learn (or can’t be taught) anything more is based on Conceit. Because I can always learn something new from the most unlikely sources, and am always open to it. IN REFLECTION: Reading took on a passionate Place Of Fun for me, compelled by a strong feeling of excitement throughout my adolescence which endures up until now. Understanding the need for a solid Foundation of Knowledge; learning to read for pleasure became much more of a strategy for me. All Through the development of my literacy skills the expertise developed in acquiring knowledge across all curriculum areas became a personal power to understand and accept things that I can and cannot control. I found joy in instructional activities, especially those which led to finding solutions to problems.
As my BRAIN LEARNS TO REMEMBER the information from a story-line, it also becomes better at remembering other things of my life. I feel that by Reading indirectly trains my brain in MEMORY ENRICHMENT. The sources of information in Reading Materials enriches itself with new things every session and the more I read to learn about new things; adds to the depth of my Knowledge about different people, their behavior and experiences, different places, different cultures and facts that otherwise I would not have known. My Heightened Awareness of environments increases open-mindedness which leads to making better decisions and choices in life. Reading books somehow or the other adds depth to my knowledge base which shaped the foundation of my literacy skills. This formative experience (especially pre-school through grade school) is one that strongly influenced me and enhanced my vocabulary to strengthen; command over the English language, and sentence formation (quick, better, and qualitative) which enabled me to become proficient in Winning a Spelling Bee (during my teenage years), and High School Graduation Class Rank (runner up to Salutatorian) with a Grade Point Average (GPA) to the GPA of the other students in my grade. I enlisted in the U.S. Navy and during Recruit Training earned a very high General Classification Test (GCT) score and qualified for acceptance into Engineering & Hull Service Schools. Subsequent to Military Service graduation, I excelled in Military Service Promotions (testament to commitment, mastery of duties and skills, and leadership capabilities) and assumed increased responsibility and accountability. The crux of my Shipboard leadership was Good people skills of problem-solving, empathy for others and a willingness to work together toward the common good. My exceptional ability to train people led to my placement on an ENGINEERING TEAM FOR THE PROTOTYPE COMPUTERIZED INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEM (Embedded Systems) for the Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS). I supervised this System’s Installation in the Ship, whereas complex challenges during implementation required Specialized High Technical Skills with due diligence to detailed technical specifications from each team member.
The Shipboard system’s success precipitated a digital revolution in Naval warfare systems and the Navy’s 3M program (Material Maintenance Management) which train and instructs about how we Sailors take care of our Shipboard Equipment and their Supporting Systems. My Military Service, much like a Book, added some new pieces of information in my mind which was a Growing Trend Of Realization that I have accepted the truth that what I know is not everything, and enlightened the knowledge of how much I do not know about the world. The tour of duty in South Viet Nam Segued the PERSONAL HORROR OF WAR TRAUMA to some thoughts, feelings and desires of my mind with memory disturbances that created vivid involuntary memories within its consciousness. These are flashbacks that happen in Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder (PTSD). This dreaded Condition greatly impacted my biological, psychological and emotional literacy skills throughout my life. At the outset, It was Cloaked In Invisibility and Misunderstanding and put me in Dark Places of Life. My Solace from this confusion was vested in Reading to affiliate with all studies of this Disorder. Subsequently to retiring from the Navy, the repeated exposure to its horrible details caused manifestations of strategies for survival to live in a diminished present, with an uncertain future. My Job as Senior Engineering Technician became an Obsession toward Perfection and loyalty to a cause. I Was Driven to complete all tasks as Most Critical, mistake free, and always on time. Adept in Engineering Analytics & Theory, led to my proficiency to Excel in Reverse Engineering Technology, Computer-Aided Design packages, and creating Work Specifications for Essential Equipment. These Products produced hardware and software which became more affordable, helping engineering companies speed up development and cut production costs throughout the Nation. Dealing with these unavoidable struggles manifested efforts that strengthened the connection between the mind, body, and spirit and made trends for these factors to work together to benefit my overall health.
I was Born and reared in rural Texas during the PERIOD OF RACIAL SEGREGATION whereby my Formative Years were shaped and strongly influenced from my Father’s daily actions and pattern of Life under “Jim Crow Laws,” of physical separation of Black People from White People. He taught me the value of a good education, as well as the importance of having a strong work ethic and unwavering love of family. Broadly Reading Historical fiction about Slavery In America, in the ‘chronological record of the past’ tells of Slavery’s Crucial Role in the Development of the modern world economy. The historical significance of slavery was never taught in our Nation’s School curriculum during my point in time. In the more recent age, Authors of a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), TEACHING HARD HISTORY: American Slavery, is meant to be that intervention: a resource for teachers who are eager to help their students better understand slavery — not as some “peculiar institution” but as the blood-soaked bedrock on which the United States was built. The report, which is the work of the SPLC’s Teaching Tolerance project, is also an appeal to states, school district leaders and textbook-makers to stop avoiding slavery’s hard truths and lasting impact. In my experience any discussion on Slavery among my White Friends will always be difficult; “I am not a slave and they did not own any.” Thus, the remainder – “You can’t talk about race until you fully understand America’s past.” “Slavery is hard history,” writes Hasan Kwame Jeffries in the report’s preface. He is an associate professor of history at The Ohio State University and chair of the Teaching Hard History Advisory Board.” It is hard to comprehend the inhumanity that defined it. It is hard to discuss the violence that sustained it. It is hard to teach the ideology of white supremacy that justified it. And it is hard to learn about those who abided it.”
MY OPINION; This following statement is “KEY” (extremely important for Open and honest communication) for a quick and mutual understanding and respect for a difference in views and interests among friends and acquaintances in this society and the current circumstances. “THE OPPRESSION OF EDUCATIONAL KEYS TO EVOLVE BLACK AMERICANS STEMMED FROM THE ANTI-LITERACY LAWS DURING SLAVERY IS INHERENT THROUGH AMERICA’S “INSTITUTIONAL SYSTEMIC POLICIES” WHICH WERE MAINTAINED THROUGH INCREASINGLY RACIST AND EXCLUSIONARY EDUCATION POLICES THAT OPERATE BENEATH A VENEER OF PROFESSED TOLERANCE AND DIVERSITY.” Reading and Studying history expands my understanding of human behavior, as reflecting on the past can helps me make sense of the present.
Throughout this country’s history, the hallmarks of American democracy – opportunity, freedom, and prosperity – have been largely reserved for white people through the intentional exclusion and oppression of people of color. The deep racial and ethnic inequities that exist today are a direct result of structural racism: the historical and contemporary policies, practices, and norms that create and maintain white supremacy. This “Systematic Inequality” of structured Racism in America’s workforce policies created the Black-White Wealth Gap to maintain disadvantaged “Socio-Economic” status for the “Black Race.” This led to increased “Poverty Levels” among the Black people. This gives you all insights into our evolving behavior in matters of life, love, mutuality, war, diplomacy and peace. It is about being moral, truthful to yourself and with others. Simply put, being open and honest builds a sense of self-worth.
UP UNTIL NOW ─ CONSTRUCTIVE READING throughout PASSAGE OF TIME keeps my awareness of Past And Shared Past (Insights into the processes and events of the past and interconnects them) in consistent with living which brought me together with other people to learn of GREAT MISTAKES OF HUMANITY in the past so as not to repeat them as the same manner again. While the American Dream portrays change as “a new beginning” and history as inevitable progress; the vanished past has an idyllic quality and the future seems dark because time brings changes that can have tragic consequences. Reading of every good book opens up new dimensions of thoughts in which my SELF-CONNECTION ASPECT correlates with the events, emotions, experiences and characters in the books; as this is the process of being in touch with the worthiness and wholeness of my Self regardless of form of experience. These forms could be feelings, thoughts, expectations, beliefs, or attitudes. This linking makes for proper realization of my reaction and feeling toward situations that have not yet occurred in my life, whereas continued progress occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future. My continued progress of existence enhances the realism of my will to understand what is needed to Correct the Past and Improve (Rebuild) upon the Future. Development of these strong literacy skills as the foundation upon which my learning is based on Factual Accuracy and Trust of all information that I read. The Need for factual information that is believable transpires Fact that an individual is composed of three basic but very different qualities of the self; the Physical Or Tangible aspects as they relate to the body, the Intellectual And Conscious Aspects as they relate to the mind, and The Emotional And Intuitive Aspects as they relate to the spirit. All three aspects of the self-work together in perfect harmony when attention is paid to all three simultaneously.
My LIFE KNOWLEDGE shows that Human Nature displays the above-listed qualities openly provides a Standard In Which That Man Lies, Steals, And Cheats As Wholly Normal. This Cognitive And Behavioral Change expresses the Inherent Evil Of Human Existence, as in the “DARWINIAN EVOLUTIONARY THEORY” (Survival of the Fittest) in successive generations of “African Apes” and constructs of Violence from Homo Sapiens (Human) atop the FOOD CHAIN. Thus, Evil individuals are capable of deceiving each other with no conscience, hurting/killing others with no remorse, and exercises Dishonesty to spin outrageous fabrications to ruin other’s reputation and Destroy their Livelihoods. Human species of great apes evolved alongside orangutans, chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas. In chimpanzees, there is a practice of maiming or killing of former alpha males after they have been supplanted by a new leader. This similar “Evil Heartedness” is Supported in the Book titled “THE PRINCE,” where it relates this attitude in Human as “Machiavellian” as a pejorative (negative) term that roughly means “Unscrupulous,” which prescribes the FUNDAMENTAL TENET; as to do whatever is expedient, even crimes, to consolidate and perpetuate power, while cultivating a semblance of morality. The motto or slogan, “THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS.” These excerpt s are (1) “Men must either be caressed or else annihilated; they will revenge themselves for small injuries, but cannot do so for great ones; the injury therefore that we do to a man must be such that we need not fear his vengeance.” (2) “And men have less scruple in offending one who makes himself loved than one who makes himself feared; for love is held by a chain of obligation which, men being selfish, is broken whenever it serves their purpose; but fear is maintained by the dread of -punishment which never fails.
Alternatively, “CREATIONISM” AND “CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY” records that “GOD” created man in His image. The consequence of “Sins” makes Man’s heart desperately wicked and deceitful no matter the Origin. I will talk more about neat the Conclusion of this text.
The INVISIBLE FORCE at the back of this Behavior together with personality, genetic set up and habits created my BELIEF SYSTEM which is one of the strongest forces that affects any decision that I will make. The most critical and comprehensive segment of this system is the thought processes developed from the Philosophy Of Human Beings.
MY LITERARY KNOWLEDGE BASE was greatly Influenced from Chronological sources of information in the Reading Materials which I studied throughout my Lifetime. It established my personal Philosophy (Belief System); (what I believe, my ideals, and my values) that I’ve learned and employed over the years of living which enabled me to view the World through the lens of the viewpoint by which I live and what I know. As a Human Being, I accumulate thousands of beliefs about all aspects of my life throughout my lifetime; gain them through things that other people say to me, things I hear on the news, things I read, or any other external influences that we I am exposed to. All of these beliefs are interacting with one another, affecting one another, and together form a system where the interconnected set of elements coherently organized with values and
assumptions to ensure human survival and the passing on of genes.
There were many times during MY TRAVELS DOWN THE HIGHWAY OF LIFE, when Discouragement, Loss of Hope, Despair and Self-Hatred swept me into very Dark Places of my Life. I lost interest in life and just wanted to give it up. This was my time in which I figured out that the rest of my natural life would be lived trying to make-up – to get it right this time. So, at this Stage of my Life it is imperative that I make better decisions. During enrollment in a DRUG & ALCOHOL TREATMENT PROGRAM I discovered that some Members achieved some semblance of success through being led by their Higher Power. I studied the Bible and accepted God as my Higher Power. I believed in the “Word of God” and surrendered my Life to His care.
I made the Decision that God set before me (Deuteronomy 30:19-20) and chose Life and became a “Born-Again” Believer, my consolation and Love fulfills my joy through the Humility of Jesus Christ. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and connected the Word of God to my Higher Power. I Committed everything to the LORD and Trust him to help me to obtain everything needed for life and service in Jesus Christ. I turned from “Human Faith” (SENSES; HEAR, SEE, TASTE, SMELL, & TOUCH) to “Inherent Supernatural faith” of God (my Higher Power) to be led by God. I made the Choice to stop resisting the effects of this Illness and started the practice of acceptance. Acceptance is about meeting life where it is and moving forward from there. My motivation came from Reading lots of materials on Mental Health and POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (PTSD), which helped change my way of thinking and gives me hope and purpose. My LIFE’S ETERNAL STRUGGLES are now embedded in “Spirituality”▬ “A personal relationship with a Higher Power who is greater than myself and how that Higher Power directs my Life.” It is plain to me that any Success for me, is only achieved through HONESTY, OPEN-MINDEDNESS & WILLINGNESS from my heart for any degree of “Normalcy” in living my life. I know, that, my Loyalty, Agape Love, & Steadfast Commitment to God “must be” based solely on the Word of God. I learned and Loved the Word of God. The “Classic Bibliophile” in me highlights the love and “Special Value” for the Word of God (Bible) and African-American Literature produced in the United States by writers of African descent. The best Decisions comes through “Maturing In Wisdom.” WISDOM ▬ “The Ability To Discern Or Judge What Is True, Right, Or Lasting; Insight.” In life, right is right and wrong is wrong.
My Life’s eternal Struggles are embedded in “Spirituality”▬ “A personal relationship with a Higher Power who is greater than myself and how that Higher Power directs my Life.” It is plain to me that any Success for me, is only achieved through HONESTY, OPEN-MINDEDNESS & WILLINGNESS from my heart for any degree of “Normalcy” in living my life. I know, that, my Loyalty, Agape Love, & Steadfast Commitment to God “must be” based solely on the Word of God. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and connected the Word of God to my Higher Power. I Committed everything to the LORD and Trust him to help me to obtain everything needed for life and service in Jesus Christ. I turned from “Human Faith” (SENSES – HEAR, SEE, TASTE, SMELL, & TOUCH) to “Inherent Supernatural faith” of God (my Higher Power) to be led by God.
My Life-long Familiarity in the Works of “ARGUMENTS OF SCIENCE VS GOD,” based on Second hand knowledge in evidence of design in physical laws always speculates and points out that we really don’t know how probable (or improbable) such a universe is. Secondly, the alternate claims that universal moral beliefs and radically sacrificial behaviors can’t be explained by natural processes and thus require God. There are no Instances where Science notes the creation of the “Breath of Life.”(a thing that someone needs or depends on. Breath of life is a biblical phrase: ‘And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life’ ‘Genesis 2:7’). Thus, my Belief is in God and in the knowledge gained from “CREATIONISM” AND “CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY” that records that “GOD” On March 3, 1983, I Suffocated to Death from accidental releasing the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Fire -Fog System in the Engine Room of a Logistics Naval Vessel in Norfolk Virginia Shipyard. Thus Having Life Experiences of “Witnessing” the return from death when my heart had stopped beating and was no longer breathing. I was thirty-nine (39) years old. Approximately, ninety (90) minutes later, a Paramedic notice a movement of my left finger and administered Life saving techniques which returned me to Life. Immediate memory was Stupendous Pain in my body, faint voices later, then Hellacious Pain from breathing, and sight of the Medical attendants talking to me.
SALVATION IS ALL OF GRACE; it is God’s favor bestowed on people who do not and cannot deserve it. I Truly Believe that God’s gift of “Grace” is His “Son, Jesus Christ,” (John 1:14) full of grace and truth. At my “Rebirth,” (Born Again) I accepted the free “GIFT” from GOD and Received it in my heart. My Old Self (Old Man) is passed away (Dead). The “Sinner” is GONE. I am SAVED by this “Grace” with the FAITH of Jesus Christ. God placed in my Body, the “Spirit,” a New Creation, made in God’s Image (“Identical” to Him) filled with the “Righteousness of God” and in True “Holiness.” I am a 3-part being; made up of a “Spirit,” who possess a “Soul” (my mind, will, and emotions) and live in my physical “body.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23 (KJV). The Spirit of God then, “Quickened” my Physical Body and came and lives in that body (Galatians 2:20). The life which I now live in the “Flesh” is lived by the “Faith” of Jesus Christ with all the “Fullness” of God, in Jesus, which makes me Sanctified, Justified, and in True “Holiness.” The “Spirit of God” now leads my “Soul” (Mind, Will, and Emotions) to dedicate my body (set apart) as a living sacrifice, well-pleasing to God in service, for my reasonable act of worship. My “Conversion” (Re-creation) in “Renewal of my mind” aligns it with the Characteristics of God. I am no longer conformed to World’s superficial values and customs, but with sober judgment am able to test and approve what God’s will is to me. (Romans 12:1-2 (KJV). The ability to “Know” my identity “In Christ” is a must. My thinking, “Philosophy” (“Belief System”), now focuses on the riches of the glory, which is Christ in me, the hope of glory: the mystery which has been hid, from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: every man in all wisdom; may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus (Colossians 1:24-28 (KJV). Living In Christ (His Faith) in the Finished Work Of Jesus On The Cross began a “New Covenant” between man and God which marks the beginning of my union with God through the blood of Jesus on the cross.